General, Colorectal & Breast Surgeon
Deepa C. Patel, MD

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Existing Patients
Patient Portal

Post-Graduate Training
The University of Texas Health Science Center
Minimally Invasive/Colorectal Surgery Fellowship-Fellow
Houston, TX
2022 – 2023
University of South Alabama
General Surgery Resident (PGY 4-5)
Mobile, AL
2020 – 2022
Cleveland Clinic
General Surgery Resident (PGY 1-3)
Cleveland, OH
2013 – 2019
Rutgers New Jersey Medical School
Doctor of Medicine
Newark, NJ
The College of New Jersey
Bachelor of Science in Biology – Graduated magna cum laude
Ewing Township, NJ
2006 – 2009
Medical Experience
Surgical House Staff
NYC Health + Hospitals/Queens Hospital
Jamaica, NY
2019 – 2020
Research Experience
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Research Resident
Houston, TX
2016 – 2017
Cleveland Clinic
Research Resident
Cleveland, OH
2015 – 2016
Cleveland Clinic
Clinical Instructor
Cleveland, OH
2015 – 2016
Society of Asian Academic Surgeons Resident/Fellow Development Scholarship
SAAS Conference
#2 Oral Presentation Award
Abdominal Wall Reconstruction Conference
Washington, DC
University of Texas Research Award
Austin, TX
Surgical Infection Society 2017 Resident Poster Award
SIS Meeting
St. Louis, MO
Americas Hernia Society Best Manuscript/Presentation Bassini Award
Americas Hernia Society
Cancun, Mexico
#1 Oral Presentation Award
Abdominal Wall Reconstruction Conference
Washington, DC
Kenneth Lee Scholar
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, OH
2015 – 2016
Alpha Omega Alpha
Phi Beta Kappa
National Merit Scholar
2006 – 2010
Robert J. Byrd Scholarship
2006 – 2010
Edward J. Bloustein Scholarship
2006 – 2010
AXA Achievement Scholarship
Schering Plough Scholar
2006 – 2010
Fiserv Twentieth Anniversary Award
2006 – 2008
Kodak Young Leaders Award and Scholarship
Vincent Borelli Memorial Scholarship
Professional Affiliations
The American College of Surgeons
2022 – 2023
The Postdoctoral Association of UTHealth
2016 – 2017
Kenneth Lee Memorial Fellowship and Lecture Fund Speaker
Preconference Speaker, CleanMed Conference
Dallas, TX
Institutional Review Board Class of 2013 Student Representative
New Jersey Medical School
2009 – 2013
Student Global Health Alliance Co-Chair and 1st Year Representative
New Jersey Medical School
Student Health Advocacy for Resources and Education Director and 1st Year Representative
New Jersey Medical School
2009 – 2011
Clinic Founder and Director
Fairmont Homeless Shelter
Newark, NJ
2011 – 2013
Student Family Health Care Clinic Director
New Jersey Medical School
American Medical Women’s Association 1st Year Representative
New Jersey Medical School
2010 – 2013
Research Project
Development of an Experimental-Based Science Curriculum for 12-14 Year Olds in Manenberg, Cape Town
University of Cape Town Independent Research and Capstone Project
Cape Town, South Africa
Chapter In An Edited Book
Cherla, D.V., Liang, M.K. (2018). Preoperative considerations prior to minimally invasive ventral incisional hernia repair. In LeBlanc, K.A. (Ed.), Laparoscopic and Robotic Incisional Hernia Repair. (2nd ed., 7-19). Springer. Baton Rouge, LA.
Journal Articles
Bernardi, K., Milton, A.N., Hope, W., Roth, J.S., Shah, S.K., Shah,P., Lyons, N.B., Martin, A.C., Holihan, J.L., Cherla, D.V., Ko, T.C., Hughes, T.G., & Liang, M.K. (20202). Social media in surgery and medicine study group. Are online surgical discussion boards a safe and useful venue for surgeons to ask for advice? A review of the International Hernia Collaboration Facebook Group. Surg Endosc, 34(3), 1285-1289. Epub 2019.
Cherla, D.V., Bernardi, K., Blair. K.J., Chua, S.S., Hasapes, J.P., Kao, L.S., Ko, T.C., Matta, E.J., Moses, M.L., Shiralkar, K.G., Surabhi, V.R., Tammisetti, V.S., Viso, C.P., & Liang, M.K. (2019). Importance of the physical exam: Double-blind randomized controlled trial of radiologic interpretation of ventral hernias after selective clinical information. Hernia, 23(5), 987-994. Epub 2018.
Cherla, D., Hahn, E. Jr, & Datiashvilli, R. (2013). Meticulous surgical excision of a localized giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath. Eplasty, 13:ic36. Epub 2013.
Cherla, D.V., Holihan, J.L., Flores-Gonzalez, J.R., Lew, D.F., Escamilla, R.J., Ko, T.C., Kao, L.S., & Liang, M.K. (2017). Decreasing surgical site infections after ventral hernia repair: A quality-improvement initiative. Surgical Infections (Larchmt), 18(7), 780-786. Epub 2017.
Cherla, D., Hope, W., & Liang, M.K. (2017). Recurrence and mesh-related complications after incisional hernia repair. JAMA, 317(5), 536-537.
Cherla, D.V., Lew, D.F., Escamilla, R.J., Holihan, J.L., Cherla, A.S., Flores-Gonzalez, J., Ko, T.C., Kao, L.S., & Liang, M.K. (2018). Differences of alternative methods of measuring abdominal wall hernia defect size: A prospective observational study. Surgical Endoscopy, 32(3), 1228-1233. Epub 2017.
Cherla, D.V., Moses, M.L., Mueck, K.M., Hannon, C., Ko, T.C., Kao, L.S., & Liang, M.K. (2017). External validation of the HERNIAscore: An observational study. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 225(3), 428-434. Epub 2017.
Cherla, D.V., Moses, M.L., Viso, C.P., Holihan, J.L., Flores-Gonzalez, J.R., Kao, L.S., Ko, T.C., & Liang, M.K. (2018). Impact of abdominal wall hernias and repair on patient quality of life. World Journal of Surgery, 42(1), 19-25.
Cherla, D.V., Olavarria, O.A., Bernardi, K., Viso, C.P., Moses, M.L., Holihan, J.L., Ko, T.C., Kao, L.S., & Liang, M.K. (2018). Investigation of financial conflict of interest among published ventral hernia research. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 226(3), 230-234. Epub 2017.
Cherla, D.V., Olavarria, O.A., Holihan, J.L., Viso, C.P., Hannon, C., Kao, L.S., Ko, T.C., & Liang, M.K. (2018). Discordance of conflict of interest self-disclosure and the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services. Journal of Surgical Research, (218), 18-22. Epub 2017.
Cherla, D.V., Pastor, C., & Datiashvilli, D. (2013). Coverage of the middle third of the lower leg. Accepted for publication by Eplasty on 2013.
Cherla, D.V., Poulose, B., & Prabhu, A.S. (2018). Epidemiology and disparities in care: The impact of socioeconomic status, gender, and race on the presentation, management, and outcomes of patients undergoing ventral hernia repair. Surgical Clinics of North America, 98(3), 431-440. Epub 2018.
Cherla, D.V., Rodriguesz, N.A., Vangoitsenhoven, R., Singh, T., Mehta, N., McCullogh, A.J., Brethauer, S.A., Schauer, P.R., & Aminian, A. (2020). Impact of sleeve gastrectomy and roux-en-y gastric bypass on biopsy-proven non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Surg Endosc, 34(5), 2266-2272.
Cherla, D.V., Sanghvi, S., Agarwal, N., Eloy, J.A, Couldwell, W.T, & Liu, J.K. (2014). Analysis of internet-based patient education materials related to pituitary tumors. Endocrine Practice, 20(10), 1044-50.
Cherla, D.V., Sanghvi, S., Choudhry, O.J., Jyung, R.W., Eloy, J.A., & Liu, J.K. (2013). Readability assessment of internet-based patient education materials related to acoustic neuromas. Otology & Neurotology, 34(7), 1349-1354.
Cherla, D.V., Sanghvi, S., Choudhry, O.J., Liu, J.K., & Eloy, J.A. (2012). Readability assessment of internet-based patient education materials related to endoscopic sinus surgery. Laryngoscope, 122(8), 1649-1654. Epub 2012.
Cherla, D.V., Tomovic, S., Liu, J.K., & Eloy, J.A. (2013). The central Onodi cell: A previously unreported anatomic variation. Allergy & Rhinology (Providence), 4(1), e49-51.
Cherla, D.V., Viso, C.P., Holihan, J.L., Bernardi, K., Moses, M.L., Mueck, J.M., Olavarria, O.A., Flores-Gonzalez, J.R., Balentine, C.J., Ko, T.C., Adams, S.D., Pedroza, C., Kao, L.S., & Liang, M.K. (2019). The effect of financial conflict of interest, disclosure status, and relevance on medical research from the United States. J Gen Intern Med, 34(3), 429-434. Epub 2019.
Cherla, D.V., Viso, C.P., Mose, M.L., Holihan, J.L., Ko, T.C., Kao, L.S., Andrassy, R.J., & Liang, M.K. (2018). Clinical assessment, radiographic imaging, and patient self-report for abdominal wall hernias. Journal of Surgical Research, (227), 28-34. Epub 2018.
Cherla, D.V., Viso, C.P., Olavarria, O.A., Bernardi, K., Holihan, J.L., Mueck, K.M., Flores-Gonzalez, J., Liang, M.K., & Adams, S.D. (2018). The impact of financial conflict of interest on surgical research: An observational study of published manuscripts. World Journal of Surgery, 42(9), 2757-2762.
Eloy, J.A., Svider, P.F., Cherla, D.V., Diaz, L., Kovalerchik, O., Mauro, K.M., Baredes, S., & Chandrasekhar, S.S. (2013). Gender disparities in research productivity among 9952 academic physicians. Laryngoscope, 123(8), 1865-1875. Epub 2013.
Fonseca, A.L., Cherla, D., et al. (2022). Association of medicaid expansion with pancreatic cancer treatment and outcomes: Evidence from the National Cancer Database. Ann Surg Oncol, 29(1), 342-351. Epub 2021.
Fonseca, A.L., Khan, H., Mehari, K.R., Cherla, D., et al. (2022). Disparities in access to oncologic care in pancreatic cancer: A systematic review. Ann Surg Oncol, 29(5), 3232-3250. doi: 10.1245/s10434-021-11258-6
Liang, M.K., Bernardi, K., Holihan, J.L., Cherla, D.V., Escamilla, R., Lew, D.F., Berger, D.H., Ko, T.C., & Kao, L.S. (2018). Modifying risks in ventral hernia patients with prehabilitation: A randomized controlled trial. Ann Surg, 268(4), 674-680.
Li, Y., Stocchi, L., Mu, X., Cherla, D., & Remzi, F.H. (2016). Long-term outcomes of sphincter-saving procedures for diffuse Crohn’s disease of the large bowel. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum, 59(12):1183-1190.
Holihan, J.L., Cherla, D.V., Blair, J.K., Chua, S.S., Hasapes, J.P., Matta, E.J., Shiralkar, K.G., Surabhi, V.R., Tammisetti, V.S., Ko, T.C., & Liang, M.K. (2018). Computed tomography in ventral hernia diagnosis: Have we improved? A quality improvement initiative. Journal of Surgical Research, (224), 97-101. Epub 2017.
Li, W., Stocchi, L., Cherla, D., Liu, G., Agostinelli, A., Delaney, C.P., Steele, S.R., & Gorgun, E. (2017). Factors associated with hospital readmission following diverting ileostomy creation. Techniques in Coloproctology, 21(8), 641-648. Epub 2017.
Li Y, Stocchi L, Cherla D, Liu X, Remzi FH. Association of preoperative narcotic use with postoperative complications and prolonged length of hospital stay in patients with Crohn disease. JAMA Surg. 2016 Aug 1:151(8):726-734.
Mueck, K.M., Cherla, D.V., Taylor, A., Ko, T.C., Liang, M.K., & Kao, L.S. (2018). Randomized controlled trials evaluating patient-reported outcomes after cholecystectomy: A systemic review. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 226(2), 183-193. Epub 2017.
Olavarria, O.A., Holihan, J.L., Cherla, D., Perez, C.A., Kao, L.S., Ko, T.C., & Liang, M.K. (2017). Comparison of conflicts of interest among published hernia researchers self-reported with the centers for medicare and medicaid services open payments database. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 224(5), 800-804. Epub 2017.
Patel, C.R., Sanghvi, S., Cherla, D.V., Baredes, S., & Eloy, J.A. (2016). Readability assessment of internet-based patient education materials related to parathyroid surgery. Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology, 124(7), 523-527. Epub 2015.
Patel, C.R., Cherla, D.V., Sanghvi, S., Baredes, S., & Eloy, J.A. (2013). Readability assessment of online thyroid surgery patient education materials. Head Neck, 35(10), 1421-1425. Epub 2012.
Radvansky, B.M., Husain, Q., Cherla, D.V., Choudhry, O.J., & Eloy, J.A. (2013). In-office vasovagal response after rhinologic manipulation. International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology, 3(6), 510-514. Epub 2012.
Sanghvi, S., Cherla, D.V., Shukla, P.A., & Eloy, J.A. (2012). Readability assessment of internet-based patient education materials related to facial fractures. Laryngoscope, 122(9), 1943-1948. Epub 2012.
Therattil, P.J., Yueh, J.J., Kordahi, A.M., Cherla, D.V., Lee, E.S, & Granick, M.S. (2015). Randomized controlled trial of antiseptic hand hygiene methods in an outpatient surgery clinic. Wounds, 27(12), 347-353.
Vangoitsenhoven, R., Wilson, R.L., Cherla. D.V., et al. (2021). Presence of liver steatosis is associated with greater diabetes remission after gastric bypass surgery. Diabetes Care, 44(2), 321-325.
Bernardi, K, Martin, A.C., Holihan, J.L., Olavarria, O.A., Flores-Gonzalez, J.R., Cherla, D.V., Lyons, N.B., Shah, P., Kao, L.S., Ko, T.C., & Liang, M.K. (2019). Is non-operative management warranted in ventral hernia patients with comorbidities? A case-matched, prospective 3 year follow-up, patient-centered study. Am J Surg, 218(6), 1234-1238. Epub 2019.
Walker, P.A., May, A.C., Mo, J., Cherla, D.V., Santillan, M.R., Kim, S., Ryan, H., Shah, S.K., Wilson, E.B., & Tsuda, S. (2018). Multicenter review of robotic versus laparoscopic ventral hernia repair: Is there a role for robotics? Surgical Endoscopy, 32(4), 1901-1905.
Cherla, D.V., Ellsworth, R. (2022, August 29). Journal Club Article Presentation of “Oncologic and Perioperative Outcomes of Laparoscopic, Open, and Robotic Approaches for Rectal Cancer Resection: A Multicenter, Propensity Score-Weighted Cohort Study”. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum Journal Club. Virtual (Houston, TX).
Waggener, K., Cherla, D.V., Bernard, J., & Hunter, J. (2022). A novel method for ureteral identification using indocyanine green intraureteral injection without the use of indwelling stents. Accepted at ACS Clinical Congress.
Cherla, D.V. (2021, November, 19). Laparoscopy vs robotic surgery: Reviews of the existing literature and cases at USA [Oral presentation]. University of South Alabama Grand Rounds, Mobile, AL.
Cherla, D.V. & Fonseca, A.L. (2021, September, 25). Rural-urban disparities in the treatment of pancreatic adenocarcinoma: A review of the NCDB database [Oral presentation]. Society of Asian Academic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Cherla, D.V. & Fonseca, A.L. (2011, September, 25). Association of Medicaid expansion with receipt of palliative therapies in metastatic pancreatic cancer: A National Cancer Database Study [Oral presentation]. Society of Asian Academic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Cherla, D.V. & Rider, P.F. (2021, July, 10). Surgical tips and tricks: Colonic decompression [Oral presentation]. Alabama Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, Gulf Shores, AL.
Cherla, D.V. & Fonseca, A.L. (2021, August). Association of Medicaid expansion with receipt of palliative therapies in metastatic pancreatic cancer: A National Cancer Database Study [Oral presentation]. Southeastern Surgical Congress, Atlanta, GA.
Cherla, D.V. & Fonseca, A.L. (2021, August). Rural-urban disparities in the treatment of pancreatic adenocarcinoma: A review of the NCDB Database. [Oral presentation]. Southeastern Surgical Congress, Atlanta, GA.
Cherla, D.V. & Fonseca, A.L. (2021, February). An important variable in pancreatic cancer outcome: A National Cancer Database Study of Medicaid Expansion [Oral presentation]. Academic Surgical Congress, Virtual presentation.
Cherla, D.V. & Aminian, A. (2019, April) Long-term impact of sleeve gastrectomy and roux-en-y gastric bypass on biopsy-proven non-alcoholic fatty liver disease [Oral presentation] SAGES, Baltimore, MD.
Cherla, D.V. & Alaedeen, D. (2019, January). Stump the stars case presentation [Oral presentation]. Cleveland Surgical Society, Cleveland, OH.
Cherla, D.V., Olavarria, O.A., Viso, C.P., Holihan, J.L., Kao, L.S., Ko, T.C., & Liang, M.K. (2017, May, 5). A comparison of self-reported conflict of interest in the surgical infections literature to the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services Open Payments Database [Poster presentation]. Surgical Infection Society, St. Louis, MO.
Cherla, D.V., Holihan, J.L., Flores, J.R., Lew, D., Escamilla, R., Viso, C.P., Ko, T.C., Kao, L.S., & Liang, M.K. (2017, May, 4). Establishment of a specialty ventral hernia clinic decreases surgical site infections [Oral presentation]. Surgical Infection Society, St. Louis, MO.
Cherla, D.V., Maya, M.M., Mueck, K.M., Hannon, C., Holihan, J., Millas, S., Kao, L.S., Ko, T.C, & Liang, M.K. (2017, April). Radiographic ventral hernias are prevalent before and after abdominal surgery [Poster presentation] Southwestern Surgical Congress, Maui, HI.
Moses, M.M., Hannon, C., Cherla, D.V., Mueck, K., Holihan, J.L, Millas, S., Wray, C.J., Kao, L.S., Ko, T.C., & Liang, M.K. (2017, February). Is umbilical hernia or diastasis recti associated with increased risk of ventral incisional hernia? [Oral presentation]. Academic Surgical Congress, Las Vegas, NV.
Cherla, D.V, Cobb, T., Liang, M., & Saunders, T.E. (2017, February, 23). Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in a patient with situs inversus. [Video presentation]. Texas ACS, Austin, TX.
Cherla, D.V., Viso, C.P., Olavarria, O.A., Mueck, K.M., Holihan, J.L., Ko, T.C., Kao, L.S., Adams, S., & Liang, M.K. (2017, February). Is ventral hernia surgery under siege from industry? A comparison of conflict of interest among surgical specialties [Oral presentation]. Texas ACS, Austin, TX.
Cherla, D.V., Lew, D., Holihan, J.L., Flores, J.G., Ko, T.C., Kao, L.S., & Liang, M.K. 2017, March). Impact of different methods of measuring abdominal wall hernia defect size on mesh selection [Poster presentation]. SAGES, Houston, TX.